Zannino di Vitale di Bergamo. Vita di un carcerato

di Silvia Carraro


Nel 1293, prossimo alla morte, Zannino di Vitale da Bergamo detta le sue ultime volontà mentre si trova prigioniero nelle carceri di Cremona. Il contributo mira a cogliere i momenti salienti e le persone che segnarono la prigionia di Zannino e pone particolare attenzione alle espressioni di religiosità emergenti dal testamento.

Abstract Inglese

The paper analyses the will of Zannino Vitale da Bergamo’s son who made it while he was in a Cremona prison, in order to think about his religious feelings shortly before his death. At the very starting point, it studies the context of Zannino’s imprisonment: when he was captured, how much time he had been in prison and why he was in Cremona. Then, the paper considers recipients of his bequests especially the people who helped him after he was tortured and while he was in jail. Great attention is given to religious meaning of pro anima bequests and the people who could condition them (friars and priests who gave comfort to prisoners). Moreover, the will reveals some details about Zannino’s daily life in prison such as his clothes, his food and his gambling activities. In conclusion, the essay studies his family records, especially his mother’s will, that allows us to understand why Zannino’s will is conserved in the Bergamo archive.




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