Segni di libertà. Graffiti in carcere

di Nicoletta Giovè Marchioli



Abstract Inglese

From the Antiquity until today the graffiti (i. e. every kind of writing on a wall, either carved or painted) are an important witness of the need of the human being to express a inner world of sentiments and emotions, and also the different kind of relationships with God and with the Sacred in a wide sense.
Therefore may be useful to study a various range of graffiti found on the walls of the jails, from the late Middle Ages but also from the beginning of the 20th century, that can be read in Venice as well as in Rome and in Palermo, and that offer many interesting messages, even blasphemous.





Nicoletta Giovè (Trieste 1961) è professore presso il Dipartimento di Storia dell’Università di Padova, dove insegna Paleografia latina, Codicologia e Materiali e forme della produzione grafica.

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